
We have a variety of overlay districts that could affect your design. These requirements are reviewed along with your permit application.

Neighborhood Conservation Districts (NCD) Overlays 

Corridor Overlays

Gateway Corridors (GC)
Metropolitan Corridors (MC)
Preservation Corridor (PC)
PC-1: Bulverde Road Preservation Corridor Design Standards Manual(PDF, 2MB)

Historic Overlays

You must get authorization for your project through the Office of Historic Preservation if the zoning map shows your property in one of the following:

  • Historic District
  • Local Landmark
  • River Improvement Overlay
  • Viewshed Protection

To reach the office, call 210-215-9274 or visit the Office of Historic Preservation website.

Military Overlays

San Antonio has established a Joint Land Use Program with our military community. The information below will help you determine if your property resides in a Military Overlay District and any land use guidelines.

If you are located within any of the Overlay Districts, call 210-207-0121 and ask for a Land Development Specialist.

Military Sound Attenuation Overlay District (MSAO)

The MSAO includes standards for building construction for noise sensitive structures to mitigate noise generated from military training exercises and aircraft operations.

For more information refer to the City's Unified Development Code Section 35-339.05.

Military Airport Overlay Zones (MAOZ)

The MAOZ are intended to:

  • Regulate future growth, development and incompatible land uses.
  • Prevent the establishment of any land use which would endanger aircraft operations and the continued use of military airports.
  • Protect the character and stability of existing land uses while protecting the general economic welfare.

For more information, refer to the City's Unified Development Code Section 35-334.


Military Lighting Overlay District (MLOD)

The purpose of establishing MLOD is to address the following:

  • Reduce glare and potential distractions to night time training exercises occurring within this area.
  • Balance the needs of the military, the City of San Antonio, and property owners regarding responsible development including outdoor lighting within this area.

For more information, refer to the City's Unified Development Code Section 35-339.04.