Contractor Connect

Contractor Connect provides a search tool that allows you to find a contractor based on the type of work needed for their projects. You can also browse by category-level of registered, registered plus and premier.

Contractors are expected to maintain all fees for permits, pull all applicable permits and have all inspections closed in a timely fashion. Please note, it is up to the contractor to maintain their category requirements.

Search for Contractors

Complaints & Sanctions

If a complaint is made against your home repair or home improvement contractor, we will investigate and if needed, hold a hearing. If confirmed, the contractor may be placed in the previous category until the item is corrected or a resolution has been given to the Building Official's satisfaction.

The Building Official maintains the right to change the contractor’s category at their discretion. Per Section 10-115 of the Chapter 10 Building-Related Codes of the City of San Antonio, the Building Official may also administratively cancel or suspend a registration after a hearing.

Contractors who have their registration canceled or suspended will be placed on the Canceled, Suspended, and Registration Appeals Report. This report will include:

  • Contractor name
  • Registration number
  • Reason for the sanction
  • Sanction
  • Date imposed

It will also state whether the sanction was appealed by the contractor. The report will be updated monthly.

Canceled, Suspended, and Registration Appeals Report (PDF)

Program Application & Requirements

Find criteria for registering as a Plus or Premier category contractor.


Criteria for home builder and home improvement contractor registration categories are outlined below.

Contractor Connect Home Builder Application (PDF)

Category 1: Registered Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Application and registration fee
  • Code of Ethics acknowledgement form
  • General liability insurance
  • Approved FBI background check

Category 2: Registered Contractor Plus

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • All permitting fees are current
  • No building related contractor infractions/complaints
  • Attended at least two DSD training events (or other certifications approved by the Building Official) within the past year

Category 3: Premier Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • Requirements for Category 2
  • A minimum five-year registration with DSD
  • One agent affiliated with the contractor must obtain a Residential International Code Council (ICC) Certification or other certifications approved by the Building Official


Criteria for electrical contractor registration categories are outlined below:

Contractor Connect Electrical Application (PDF)

Category 1: Registered Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Application and registration is current with the City of San Antonio
  • Code of Ethics acknowledgement form
  • Employs electricians that are registered with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
  • No unresolved infractions or complaints on file with the City of San Antonio or TDLR
  • General liability insurance
  • Approved FBI background check

Category 2: Registered Contractor Plus

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • Current Certificate of Occupancy (COO) at business address, as approved by the Building Official
  • Exceeds $300,000 minimum liability insurance per occurrence
  • Obtains and complies with permit and inspection requirements
  • All City of San Antonio Development Services Department (DSD) permitting and inspection fees are current
  • A minimum three-year registration with DSD
  • No building related contractor infractions/complaints
  • Attended at least two DSD training events within the past year

Category 3: Premier Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • Requirements for Category 2
  • Attended at least two DSD training events within the past year
  • A minimum five-year registration with DSD
  • The company has a Design Professional on staff


Criteria for mechanical contractor registration categories are outlined below:

Contractor Connect Mechanical Application (PDF)

Category 1: Registered Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Employs technicians that are registered with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
  • No unresolved infractions or complaints on file with the City of San Antonio or TDLR
  • Application and registration fee is current with the City of San Antonio or TDLR
  • Obtains and complies with permit and inspection requirements
  • Current with DSD inspections and fees
  • Code of Ethics acknowledgement form
  • General liability insurance
  • Approved FBI background check

Category 2: Registered Contractor Plus

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • Minimum three-year registration with DSD
  • Current Certificate of Occupancy (COO) at business address, or as approved by the Building Official
  • Exceeds $300,000 minimum liability insurance per occurrence for Class A and $100,000 for Class B
  • All permitting fees are current
  • No building related contractor infractions/complaints
  • Attended at least two DSD training events within the past year, or other HVAC related training, as approved by the Building Official

Category 3: Premier Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • Requirements for Category 2
  • A minimum five-year registration with DSD
  • One agent affiliated with the contractor must obtain a Residential or Commercial International Code Council (ICC) or Mechanical Certification (IAPMO) or other Mechanical related certifications as approved by the Building Official
  • Support the Industry via Advisory Boards and training venues. Approved Professional Associations:
    • Texas Air Conditioning Contractors Association (TACCA),
    • Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES),
    • Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors (PHCC)
    • Mechanical and Sheet Metal Contractors Association of San Antonio (MCA-SMACNA)
    • Other approved by the Building Official)
  • Have a Mechanical Engineer, PE, or Architect and/or the ability to produce mechanical design plans


Criteria for plumbing contractor registration categories are outlined below:

Contractor Connect Plumbing Application (PDF)

Category 1: Registered Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Application and registration (no municipality registration fee)
  • Code of Ethics acknowledgement form
  • General (TSBPE) insurance requirements
  • TSBPE background check
  • Pulls and closes permits
  • Current Permitting fees
  • General liability insurance
  • Approved FBI background check

Category 2: Registered Contractor Plus

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • No plumbing related contractor infractions/complaints (DSD, TDLR and TSBPE)
  • Attended at least two DSD training events within the past year or other plumbing related training, as approved by the Building official
  • Maintained a minimum three-year registration with DSD
  • Obtained at least one TSBPE license endorsements (Med Gas, MRFPSS, WSPS)

Category 3: Premier Contractor

Contractors must meet the following requirements:

  • Requirements for Category 1
  • No plumbing related contractor infractions/complaints (DSD, TDLR and TSBPE) Attended at least two DSD training events within the past year or other plumbing related training, as approved by the Building official
  • At least two TSBPE license endorsements (Med Gas, MRFPSS, WSPS)
  • Maintain a minimum five-year registration with DSD
  • Company (owner or RMP) must maintain a Residential or Commercial International Code Council (ICC) or IAPMO plumbing certification or other plumbing-related certifications, license, as approved by the Building Official

2024 Training

To help meet the criteria of Contractor Plus and Premier categories, we have scheduled in-person training sessions. Each session runs from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.

1901 S. Alamo St.
San Antonio, TX 78204

For questions or to sign up, call 210-207-1111. You can also sign up by visiting our counter.

  • Mechanical
    • September 12
  • New Residential
    • August 15
    • September 26
    • December 5: (In Spanish)
  • BuildSA (Accela)
    • October 3
  • Strike Team
    • October 17
  • Plumbing
    • November 7
  • Electrical
    • November 21
  • Existing Residential
    • August 29
    • December 19
  • Permits
    • August 22
  • Addressing
    • September 19
  • Tree Ordinance
    • October 10
  • Zoning
    • October 24
  • Storm Water
    • November 14