WIC Breastfeeding Resources

The Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Program offers:

Educational Classes

Breastfeeding and nutrition education classes.

Electric Breast Pumps

An assessment will determine which pump will be given or loaned to ensure the needs of the infant are being met.

  • Portable electric pumps for women who have a special need or are returning to work or school full-time and are exclusively providing breast milk to their infant.
  • Hospital grade electric pumps are loaned out to mothers of infants who are born premature, medically challenged or have a special need.
Nursing Accessories

Nursing bras and nursing pads are available on a limited basis.

Peer Counseling

A peer counselor is someone who has breastfed previously and learned from someone at WIC of the importance of breastfeeding. They are trained to help you meet your needs so you can meet your baby's needs. 

Your peer counselor is a community advocate for mothers who want to give their babies the best while working or going to school. 

Sign Up for WIC Benefits

Reasons to Breastfeed


  • Helps you lose weight
  • Breast milk is always at the right temperature
  • Helps your uterus shrink quicker
  • Saves time and money
  • Makes comforting a sick baby easier


  • Immunizes baby against disease
  • Helps brain development
  • Protects your baby from allergies
  • Promotes physical development
  • Reduces chances of obesity
  • Comfort and security
  • Easier to digest

Local Facilities

San Antonio Lactation Support Center


The Lactation Center, Methodist Hospital


La Leche League of San Antonio


NOTE: Many hospitals have lactation services for those who deliver at their facility.