Collaborative Commission on Domestic Violence (CCDV)


About the CCDV

The Commission on Collaborative Strategies to Prevent, Combat, and Respond to Domestic Violence is a joint City/County commission. Their plan is to implement portions of the domestic violence comprehensive plan selected by Commission Chairs over the next three years.


  • Prosecution - District Attorney Joe D. Gonzales, Chair
  • Judicial - Judge Mary Lou Alvarez and Judge Ron Rangel, Co-Chairs
  • Healthcare - George Hernandez (UHS) and Jelynne Burley (Center for Healthcare Services), Co-Chairs
  • Law Enforcement - Chief William McManus and Sherriff Javier Salazar, Co-Chairs
  • Non-Profits - Patricia Castillo (Peace Initiative), Marta Palaez (Family Violence Prevention Services), and Julia Rodriguez (Texas Rio Grande Legal Aide), Co-Chairs
  • Policy - Jeff Coyle (City of San Antonio) Chair

Each committee handles developing a one-year work plan(PDF, 2MB) to address programs and processes. They can be improved to prevent domestic violence and better serve survivors.

Community Input

The commission continues to seek community input and guidance to respond to the needs of survivors and their families.

Any community member may nominate an individual for one of the committees. Community members can provide feedback on the Commission, strategies, or share ideas through an additional form.

Monthly Facebook Live Updates

Lead by a different committee each month, committee chairs and/or guests will provide a brief update on Committee status and pose a community question for feedback over the month.

Facebook Page

  • January and July: Healthcare
  • February and August: Non-Profit
  • March and September: Law Enforcement
  • April and October: Prosecution
  • May and November: Full Commission
  • June and December: Judiciary