A Session Meetings
A Session meetings begin at 9 a.m. on Thursdays, except for the fourth week of the month. Meetings take place in the City Council Chambers:
Municipal Plaza Building
114 W. Commerce St., 1st Floor
San Antonio, TX 78205
B Session Meetings
B Session meetings begin at 2 p.m. on Wednesdays, which allow for detailed staff presentations on policy issues. In general, no action is taken at “B session” meetings.
Closed Meetings
Council may meet in closed executive session for consultation on:
- attorney-client matters
- real estate
- economic development
- litigation
- contracts
- personnel or security matters
Special Meetings
Council may be called in to a special meeting by the City Clerk upon written request of the Mayor, City Manager or three members of the City Council.
Council may also meet at locations other than City Hall for specific public hearings or informal work sessions. Notice and agenda for all regular and special meetings are posted publicly at City Hall and online at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.