Council Meeting Process

A council member speaks at the podium while the mayor and other people stand against the wall behind it.City Council meets weekly for A Session and B Session meetings. Meetings may be rescheduled due to holidays or special events.

No meetings are held in July, to allow staff time to produce the City’s annual budget.


All meetings begin with roll call by the City Clerk. A quorum (at least six members of City Council) must be present. The Mayor calls the meeting to order, and the meeting proceeds in the following order:

  1. An invocation
  2. The Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of past meeting minutes
  4. Council members may take Points of Personal interest by recognizing audience members and making announcements of general interest.
  5. Council begins the official business of the meeting agenda by considering individual agenda items, followed by consent agenda Items.
    • Items for individual consideration are designated for the beginning of the agenda and often include a detailed staff presentation.
    • Consent items include routine items such as the purchase of equipment and supplies, capital improvements, or other similar items.
    • Council members may "pull" consent items for individual discussion, staff presentation and an individual vote.

During the meeting, time-certain items, including public hearings may be conducted and considered at their posted times or as soon as possible thereafter.

At any time during the meeting, Council may recess into executive sessions. Council may also recess for lunch break and continue consideration of outstanding items on the agenda.


Agendas are posted at least 72 hours prior to the beginning of each meeting. Meeting agendas are posted online on SASpeakUp.

Copies of agendas for a City Council meeting are available outside the doors to the Council Chamber one hour prior to a regular meeting.

Current Schedules and Agendas

Types of Meetings

A Session Meetings

A Session meetings begin at 9 a.m. on Thursdays, except for the fourth week of the month. Meetings take place in the City Council Chambers:

Municipal Plaza Building
114 W. Commerce St., 1st Floor
San Antonio, TX 78205

B Session Meetings

B Session meetings begin at 2 p.m. on Wednesdays, which allow for detailed staff presentations on policy issues. In general, no action is taken at “B session” meetings.

Closed Meetings

Council may meet in closed executive session for consultation on:

  • attorney-client matters
  • real estate
  • economic development
  • litigation
  • contracts
  • personnel or security matters

Special Meetings

Council may be called in to a special meeting by the City Clerk upon written request of the Mayor, City Manager or three members of the City Council.

Council may also meet at locations other than City Hall for specific public hearings or informal work sessions. Notice and agenda for all regular and special meetings are posted publicly at City Hall and online at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.