young person on cell cell phone standing in front of a yellow school bus and orange jeep

Attendance Matters

young person on cell cell phone standing in front of a yellow school bus and orange jeep Recognizing the impact chronic absenteeism and truancy have on a student's academic success, the San Antonio Municipal Court highlights the importance of regular school attendance. Your active involvement in this matter can profoundly affect your student's academic achievements, overall well-being and enhance career prospects. By encouraging consistent school attendance, you create a supportive and nurturing environment for your student's learning journey, equipping them with essential life skills that will pave the way for a successful future.

Tips for a Successful School Year(PDF, 2MB)

Many reasons may keep students from attending school, including mental health, food insecurity, transportation, and housing. Use the following local resources to find the help your family may need:

Local Resources

College Assistance
Food Pantry
Housing & Shelters
Mental Health
Non-Traditional Schools
Primary Health Care
Resource Directory

San Antonio Community Resource Directory (SACRD)

School Registration

VIA Metropolitan Transit