
$121.3 Million in ARPA Funding

  • $25.9 Million in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)
  • $95.4 Million in Other ARPA Funds

Family standing in front of their home

The City has received and allocated ARPA funding to support housing stability in the community. The Neighborhood & Housing Services Department (NHSD) administers these programs.

Emergency Assistance for Housing Stabilization - $78.2 Million

The City leveraged these funds in its Emergency Housing Assistance Program (EHAP). This program provided rental and utilities assistance. EHAP was replaced by the new Housing Assistance Program (HAP) in May 2022. HAP is a long-term program that provides housing stabilization to renters and homeowners.

  • Emergency Housing Needs - $10 Million
    This Phase II program of the City's two-phased strategy supplemented the City's Emergency Housing Assistance Program with SLFRF to:
    • Assist residents with rent payments
    • Address the housing security needs of lower-income households
  • Emergency Housing Assistance - $68.2 Million
    Provided support services to renters experiencing emergency financial situations who were unable to pay their rent or utility bills. Services included financial assistance and housing counseling intended to stabilize households.
HOME Investment Partnership Program - $20 Million

Provided resources for:

  • Building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent
  • Building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for homeownership
  • Providing direct rental assistance to low-income people
Homeless Sheltering - $15.9 Million

This Phase II allocation supports the investment to the homeless response system and provides an interim step for homeless clients transitioning from the street into permanent housing by way of a low-barrier, non-congregate homeless shelter in FY 2024 and FY 2025.

This location, with 313 rooms, will enable SAMMinistries to address clients' trauma by providing:

  • 24/7 staffing
  • Basic housekeeping and maintenance
  • On-site case management
  • Mental health counseling

This investment is funded by a reallocation from the COVID-19 Emergency Response program.

Housing Stability Services - $7.2 Million

Provided support for the expansion of existing programs:

  • Right to Counsel Program: prevents and diverts eviction by providing legal services to households facing eviction, which includes training and guidance.
  • Resident Relocation Assistance Program: assistance to support income-restricted households at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) impacted by financial hardship and housing instability by providing financial assistance for obtaining stable housing including application fees, deposits, moving costs, and temporary lodging.