Multi-Modal Transportation

Picture of a bus stop near a side road

The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) approved four, $1 million, multi-modal transportation studies as part of the AAMPO 2012 - 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Thirteen city-owned road corridors were identified for further evaluation based on the criteria below:

Transit Service
  • Existing or planned transit service operating on the corridor
  • Connectivity to other roadways that have transit service
Transit Ridership
Significant transit ridership and/or is planned for high-capacity transit service
Major Activity Centers and Traffic Generators
Connection to high-volume activity centers which generate high pedestrian, bicycle, transit or automobile trips (e.g., educational institutions, employment, military and shopping centers, social services, etc.).
Traffic Volume
  • High volumes of automobile traffic which impact the safety, congestion and trip reliability for all modes
  • High volumes of pedestrian or bicycle traffic
  • Result in improved trip reliability
  • Result in increased throughput of people
  • Recognized as a Vision Zero Severe High Injury Network (HIN)
  • High volume of multi-modal trips that increase potential conflicts between modes
  • Have accessible sidewalks and/or bicycle lanes
  • Existing pavement issues
Adjacency to at least one census tract that has a high percentage of low-income or minority populates according to the City's Equity Atlas.

Completed Corridor Studies

Future Corridor Studies

Marbach Road (FY2024)
  • City limits to Loop 410
  • Approximately 2.63 miles
  • SPIA Corridor (Cable Ranch to Loop 410)
  • 2022 drainage bond project
Harry Wurzbach Road (FY2025)
  • Loop 410 to Fort Sam Houston Cemetery
  • Approximately 2.84 miles
  • Airport and Ft. Sam Houston Regional Centers
West Avenue (FY2026)
  • Loop 410 to W. Hildebrand Ave.
  • Approximately 3.48 miles
  • SPIA Corridor (Gilbert to Hermosa)