Parks and Recreation to Develop Youth Services Master Plan

Published on June 21, 2023

City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation    

Action supports SA Parks System Plan and National Accreditation Certification

SAN ANTONIO (June 21, 2023) San Antonio Parks and Recreation is launching a Youth Services Master Plan (Plan) to ensure that service delivery and programming needs are being met for the community. Anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2024, the Plan should provide an in-depth perspective of recreation program offerings at Parks and Recreation community centers to sustain best practices in service delivery while providing a roadmap for future growth.

“As San Antonio continues to grow and diversify, it’s critical data such as demographics, programming trends, and more is utilized to ensure we’re meeting the current and future needs our community,” said Homer Garcia III, Director of San Antonio Parks and Recreation. The Plan will guide potential operational modifications to include expanded availability of operational hours, additional partnerships, and opportunities to establish recreation services in areas of need to name a few. The comprehensive Plan will include focus groups, capture information on programs and related participation, stakeholder interviews, and public input through community engagement events.  

On June 16, City Council approved an ordinance authorizing the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC to develop a comprehensive youth services master plan for the Parks and Recreation Department in an amount up to $289K, funded by the FY2023 General Fund Budget. This action is consistent with the adopted SA Parks System Plan by standardizing a process for reviewing program and features in the park system in addition to being responsive to the needs of the community as one of the Department’s four core principles. The Plan also supports the Department’s recent National Accreditation certification and future re-accreditation efforts. 

Youth Services Background

Parks and Recreation serves about 200,000 youth annually through hundreds of individual programs for all ages at a variety of locations for the community to include art, science, nature, fitness, sports, youth leagues, cultural programming, special events, and more. Additionally, services are offered year-round to include holiday camps.  The Summer Youth Program is also offered in partnership with local school districts at Community Centers as well as school campuses.