District 4 Councilwoman expresses concern after recent shootings

Published on September 08, 2023

Council District 4 Dr. Adriana Rocha Garcia 

District 4 Councilwoman expresses concern after recent officer-involved shootings 

SAN ANTONIO (September 8, 2023) – After reports of several officer-involved shootings in the past few weeks, the District 4 Councilwoman issued the following statement: 

“The increase in officer-involved shootings is causing people to worry about the safety of our community and reevaluate how we keep each other safe. Residents of San Antonio deserve to feel secure and protected in their communities. The brave women and men who put their lives on the line each day are not the only ones responsible for the safety of our community. We need to ensure they have the resources to adequately do their jobs just as much as our residents need resources to realize their full potential.

“I am concerned about these incidents that are becoming more frequent and putting officers in grave danger. I pray for a speedy recovery for the officer involved in the incident at the intersection of Iroquois and Ute streets in District 4, and all who are on the scene responding.

“There needs to be greater coordination and collaboration between our law enforcement agencies and those tasked with prosecuting and adjudicating those who violate the law and put the greater community at risk. On Monday, September 11, District 4 will be hosting a public safety town hall with Chief McManus. Residents can join the conversation at 6 p.m. at St. Rose de Lima Church to share their concerns, learn more about SAPD’s efforts and propose ideas to help us keep each other safe.”