Published on February 19, 2024
District 2 Councilman Files Council Consideration Request to Address Maintenance of Union Pacific Property in San Antonio
SAN ANTONIO (February 19, 2024) – District 2 Councilman Jalen McKee-Rodriguez has filed a Council Consideration Request (CCR) to formalize a partnership with Union Pacific to address possible maintenance issues related to their properties.
“District 2 contains the highest number of rail miles and intersections with Union Pacific in San Antonio. Based on numerous calls from residents asking for the city to maintain these areas, I found it necessary to call for action to address these overgrown properties on a long-term basis. I look forward to reaching a solution that achieves a level of safety and beautification for all of San Antonio,” said the Councilman.
The CCR was filed on February 16, 2024, with supporting signatures from Councilmembers Teri Castillo (District 5), Melissa Cabello Havrda (District 6), Marina Alderete Gavito (District 7), and Marc White (District 10). The next step in the process is scheduling this on an upcoming Governance Committee meeting agenda.
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