District 10 Councilman Votes No on CPS Energy Rate Increase

Published on December 07, 2023

Council District 10 Clayton Perry   

SAN ANTONIO (December 7, 2023) – At today’s City Council meeting, District 10 Councilman Whyte moved to reduce the proposed CPS Energy rate increase by half, from 4.25 percent down to 2.125 percent. While the amendment did not pass, the Councilman stated he remains committed to finding ways to make energy consumption more affordable for CPS Energy’s rate payers. 

Councilman Whyte stated, “It is disappointing that today six of my Council colleagues chose not to join me in cutting the rate for the ratepayers of CPS Energy. Nevertheless, the effort to have more affordable energy for our citizens continues. We can accomplish that, while also supporting CPS Energy and being fiscally responsible at the same time. Beginning with the 2025 budget, I hope that work will begin.”