D10 Councilman champions Small Business Roundtable

Published on November 02, 2023

Council District 10 Clayton Perry   

SAN ANTONIO (November 2, 2023) – This past Tuesday, Councilman Marc Whyte had the privilege of hosting a Small Business Roundtable alongside the Chairman of the United States House Committee on Small Business, U.S. Congressman Roger Williams. Distinguished participants included prominent local business leaders and entrepreneurs from around the City of San Antonio. "Small businesses are the foundation of the American economy,” Councilman Whyte said. “In my opinion, when disturbances in our economy occur, small businesses are the first to be impacted leading to a domino effect that ultimately burdens American families.” 

The panel discussed supply chain issues, the direct impact of inflation, rising interest rates, and labor shortages. Chairman Williams highlighted his committee’s dedication to target these challenges by minimizing frivolous regulations and increasing incentives for business growth in main street America. Councilman Whyte encouraged local government leaders to continue to listen to the voice of the business community and advocate for their future growth. 

“On City Council,” the Councilman said, “we should be doing all we can to create an environment that encourages small business growth without burdensome regulations. Every policy decision we make should take into account the impact it will have on our small business community, as it is San Antonio’s small businesses that drive our local economy.”