City Council Approves Domestic Violence Signage Ordinance
Published on October 19, 2023
SAN ANTONIO (October 19, 2023) – Today, the San Antonio City Council approved an ordinance requiring domestic violence resources signage to be posted in places of public accommodation. The ordinance will require local businesses to display signage in their bathrooms to expand communication of domestic violence prevention, link individuals to resources more quickly, and raise awareness of the issue among community members.
During the presentation, the City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (Metro Health) recommended this to be implemented as an ordinance exempt from monetary penalties. This ordinance will complement the state-mandated signage containing information to prevent human trafficking (Texas Government Code, § 402.0351).
Metro Health’s proposal recommended creating a water-resistant decal that will be posted in places of public accommodation, which will include:
- Compassionate language in English and Spanish
- Phone number to the National Domestic Violence Hotline and a texting option
- Quick Response (QR) code linking individuals to information on how to identify abuse and seek help, offer assistance, create a safety plan, and other resources
From November 2022 through January of this year, Metro Health worked on a survey to gauge the public sentiment from local businesses and the community at large on this issue. The survey received more than 1,400 responses. In addition, Metro Health’s Violence Prevention program obtained feedback from the Collaborative Commission on Domestic Violence (CCDV) and the Texas Restaurant Association – San Antonio Chapter.
“This citywide educational campaign will add to the City’s portfolio of interventions to address the impact of domestic violence,” says Metro Health Director, Dr. Claude A. Jacob. “Key partnerships with our elected officials, the community at large, and businesses help us make resources more available for everyone affected by domestic violence.”
Metro Health will provide the required signage at no cost and implement an education and distribution campaign. This will include a 12-month preparatory period. For any questions or concerns, the community can call 3-1-1 for more information and assistance.