New Pilot Program to Bring Economic Development Opportunities

Published on March 23, 2023

Economic Development

City of San Antonio Launches New COVID-19 / Construction Recovery Grants Program for Small Businesses

SAN ANTONIO (March 22, 2023) – Local community organizations and businesses can now apply for the City of San Antonio’s new Corridor Pilot Program. The pilot program is designed to equip business and community leaders with tools to revitalize and invest in their communities. The program was developed in partnership with Main Street America and will offer:

  • Training and technical support to help develop and implement strategic programming and investment in the corridor;
  • Up to $200,000 in direct, operational funding support; and
  • Up to $225,000 in technical assistance contract funding to support the overall strategy and corridor development.

The pilot program is funded by State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds made available the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). It is a collaboration between the City and Main Street America, a nationally renowned corridor development and revitalization program from the National Main Street Center. Through this pilot program, two selected commercial corridors will receive direct organizational and development support over a two-year period.

“The City of San Antonio has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade, and we expect this trend to continue,” said City Manager Erik Walsh. “As a City, we are committed to ensuring growth is equitable and sustainable, creating the greatest benefit for all San Antonians. This pilot program will provide selected commercial corridors with the tools needed to cultivate stronger economies in their business’ corridors and surrounding neighborhoods.”

Main Street America leads a movement committed to strengthening communities through preservation-based economic development in older and historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts.

“Main Street America (MSA) is excited to collaborate with San Antonio, Texas, as we continue to increase our big city programming across the nation,” said Dionne Baux, Vice President of Urban Development at Main Street America. “MSA commends the City for dedicating technical and financial resources to this two-year pilot initiative that will support the expansion and development of its neighborhood commercial corridors.   Through opportunities to serve as volunteers, leaders, and entrepreneurs, MSA is thrilled to directly involve the city's diverse population in Main Street programming in understanding and implementing our approach in its culturally distinctive neighborhood corridors.”

Applications for the Corridor Program Pilot will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2023. Corridors selected for inclusion in the pilot program will be announced in late June, with sponsored activities beginning shortly thereafter and continuing through September 2025.

More information about the program and the application are available at the City’s website or by calling 210-207-8080.